
Legal Representation
that makes a difference.

If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt."

Dean Martin

Dean Martin

Driving While Intoxicated

As of January 1, 2020, New Jersey has updated its laws concerning first-offense DWIs. The updated law breaks the penalties for DWIs down into three categories: DWI with a BAC between 0.08%-0.10%, DWI with a BAC between 0.10%-0.15%, and DWI with a BAC above 0.15%

Driving while Intoxicated is a charge that the State of New Jersey takes very seriously. It can affect your very livelihood and have far reaching consequences.

Arrested for DWI?

If you have been arrested for Driving Under the Influence contact the Law Offices of Ravi Shah for a free consultation with our effective legal team.

Drug Offenses

The degree of offense and penalties associated with a drug charge can vary depending on other factors. If you are charged with drug trafficking of any of the above-referenced narcotics, you may be subject to harsher penalties

Drug Charges?

If you have been arrested for drug possession, drug trafficking or distribution, or drug manufacturing, contact the Law Offices of Ravi Shah for a free consultation with our effective legal team.

Don't allow a drug possession charge to derail your life."

Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter

There's no such crime as a crime of thought; there are only crimes of action."

Clarence Darrow

Clarence Darrow

Criminal Offenses

Criminal charges involving violence, sex offenses, theft, juvenile crimes, and firearms carry serious consequences that can impact your future and freedom. Each category of crime comes with its own set of legal complexities and potential penalties, which can range from fines and probation to lengthy prison sentences.

Whether you are facing accusations of assault, robbery, unlawful possession of a firearm, or any other criminal offense, it is crucial to have skilled legal representation. Our firm is dedicated to defending your rights and providing a strong, strategic defense to protect your future.

Charged with a Crime?

If you have been charged with a crime involving violence, sex offenses, theft, juvenile crimes, or firearms, contact the Law Offices of Ravi Shah for a free consultation with our effective legal team.

Personal Injury

If you find yourself the victim of a slip and fall, car accident, or any other type of injury please contact our office today to guarantee you receive the adequate compensation you deserve. Mr. Shah spent many years in the personal injury field working with insurance companies and has years of experience that will ensure you get the justice you deserve.

Did you get hurt?

If you find yourself the victim of injury, contact the Law Offices of Ravi Shah for a free consultation with our effective legal team.

It's never a sign of weakness to report an injury."

Alta Therapy

Alta Therapy

Your Family Awaits, Drive Safely."



Municipal & Traffic Offenses

You are always better off with a lawyer when facing traffic offenses or a disorderly persons charge. Not only will you pay less in fines but can avoid charges being placed on your record.

Trying to fight a ticket?

Contact the Law Offices of Ravi Shah, LLC. for a free consultation. Our legal team will diligently work with you to prepare quality legal strategies to get you the best possible outcome.


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